Tuesday, August 23, 2011

How to Speed up Your Wireless Broadband Internet Connection

I can remember clearly those days when to access the internet you will either have to make use of a cafe and pay expensively for it or you would need to purchase your own dial-up modem which is quite expensive. Things are changing now and old forms of wired internet access are starting to fade quickly. Millions upon millions of people are accessing the internet wirelessly everyday and a lot of them are doing so because of the great speed they can get.

How to speed up Wireless Broadband Internet Connection:

The wireless internet is one of the fastest forms of internet connection, however there is no guarantee you will always get the best speed from it so you have to know what you’re doing. Below are a few tips to help you speed up your wireless broadband internet connection significantly.
Use Your Computer near Your Wireless Router:
One of the best things you can do to ensure you start getting faster wireless broadband internet speeds is to be using your computer near your wireless router. The reason for this is that, unlike with wired internet, a wireless internet service depends strongly on the location of the router and how close it is to the computer trying to connect to the internet. You can increase the internet speed you will be getting significantly by using your computer near your wireless router always.
By “using your computer near your wireless router” I’m not trying to say you should be sitting down in front of your wireless router every day. You can easily put your router in a room in your house and then make sure you use your computer in that room or anywhere closer to that room.
Use Strong Encryption to Prevent Others from Connecting to Your Internet:
The next step you have to take towards ensuring you get faster wireless internet speeds is by using strong encryption to prevent others from connecting to your internet. You might be wondering how this can help, but the reality is that if 2 people are using the same connection the speed will be shared among them, if 4 people are using the same internet connection the speed will be shared amongst the four of them thus resulting in slow internet usage. You can easily save yourself from problems like this by protecting your wireless network with strong encryption keys so as to ensure you are the only one who has access to your wireless network.
Remove All Software Eating Up Your Internet Speed:
The final step you can take to start getting more from your wireless internet connection is to start looking for ways to optimize your computer and make it faster. A great way to make sure your computer is in the best mood for your internet connection is by uninstalling all the software that are cluttering up your computer that you think you don’t need again.
The faster you can make your computer the better you will start enjoying your internet connection so make sure you remove all those software that are making use of your internet without your authorization.

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