Tuesday, August 23, 2011

9 Killer Tips to build your Blogger Reputation

We have witnessed a tremendous rise in the number of bloggers in last two years. More and more people are driving themselves in Blogging and many have developed Blogging as their income source.
A newbie blogger finds it difficult to develop his online reputation. So, I have listed 9 killer tips to build Blogger reputation on web. These tips will help you in highlighting your presence on web.
ollow the tips below to improve your reputation as a Blogger.

1. Unique Quality content:
It is generally said that a blogger can take ideas from other blogs and put them in their own words. This is alright. But, if you want to make things work faster for you, it is must to have atleast two-three unique points in your articles. It’s my tendency to bookmark the blog, whenever I find any blogger sharing unique content. I am sure this is true for most netizens. So, unique content is a must to build your online blogger reputation.
2. Take on the competition:
This was one of the tips shared by the BadBlogger on Technshare. Bloggers make mistakes and you have to take the advantage of these mistakes. Post articles mentioning their mistakes and don’t forget to correct them. This will show your superiority over the other bloggers in your niche. Make sure you handle this in a friendly manner as you are probable of developing enemies via this method.
3. Guest posting:
This is one of the most preferred method on web. Point out popular blogs in your niche and start Guest Posting on such blogs. Remember to add your blog links in “Author-Bio” section while using this method. Also, try your best to make your “Author-Bio” attractive.
4. Commenting and Top commentators:
This is one of my favorite methods. Commenting not only helps you in highlighting your online presence but also helps in gaining valuable backlinks via Commentluv. I have developed my own list of Dofollow-Commentluv blogs where I interact regularly. Also, it is my general observation that Top commentators always receive the focus.
5. Sharing Links:
Kristi from Kikolani have really brought ahead the best example of this method. Take a look at her blog. Her “Fetching Friday” series have received large appreciation from blogosphere. No doubt, she is one of the famous bloggers on Blogosphere. She has other qualities too. But, I have seen many bloggers appreciating here link sharing qualities. So, it would be good to include your fellow blogger’s related links in your articles.
6. Gravatar:
This is necessary to remove the “stranger-feel”. Add your image as Gravatar and it will start appearing whenever you will comment on other blogs.
7. Social networking:
Connect with other buddy bloggers on Twitter, Facebook and such other social networks. Help them in their problems and try to be nice to them. This will enhance your contacts with them.
8. Develop services or Ebook:
If you have expertise in particular field, you can start your own service or develop your own ebook on the topic. Start granting this service for free or at cheap prices and you will find your popularity growing.
e.g. Installing WordPress, Thesis customization, and such services.
9. Blogengage and Sphinn:
These are one of the best blogger groups on web. Participate actively in such groups, develop relations with buddy bloggers. This will help you in increasing your reputation.
So friends, these are the 9 killer tips which can help you in building your blogger reputation. I have implemented most of them and have worked perfect for me.
I am largely benefited by tip no.1, 3, 4, 5 and 6. What are your secrets for building your Blogger reputation??? Share them with us in comments. You can help many newbie bloggers here.

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